We have compiled a list of outdoor activities to keep you active, involved (from a distance!) and engaged with the world around you. Our parks are OPEN for business and there are many ways to get out and enjoy some socially distant fresh air activities! Here are a few to help. For more suggestions and virtual programs follow along with the Johnny Appleseed Metropolitan Parks District.
Bird watching at the Lippincott Bird Sanctuary. There is a diverse array of habitats presented at the sanctuary ranging from upland prairies to wetlands to forest. This habitat in turn creates an opportunity for a variety of wildlife and plant life found in the park.
Hiking at the Miami and Erie Canal Towpath Trail with it's enhancements gives the trail a unique feel. The Towpath trail runs from the boundaries of Old Acadia Park on the northern corporation line in the Village of Spencerville to the southern corporation line in the City of Delphos. The stretch is approximately eight miles long.
Tree Identification is a great option in your own backyard and in the park system. Try taking in the sites and sounds at Kendrick Woods. There is a section in the park that is dedicated as a State Nature Preserve by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources. It is also considered an Important Bird Area by the Audubon Society due to the unique habitats the park offers for migratory stopovers, as well as, the fact that ten state listed birds have been documented in the area. There are countless other plant and animal species to discover and enjoy.
Climb a Tree! A great option at one of the newest parks in the district: Hermon Woodlands Metro Park. There are some unique features of Hermon Woodlands that are not found anywhere else in the Parks District. The ImagiNature Playscape allows children and families the opportunities to play and use their imagination in the natural environment. Activities including *climbing trees, creek exploration, an underground tunnel and more. The second being a Storybook Trail, which is a great way to read in a unique way. It is a wonderful way for families to learn and read together while hiking along the south trail.
Meditation is another great at home activity but also something that can be done at any of the beautiful parks in the District. One great choice would be Ottawa Metro Park. Enjoy the picturesque views of Lima Lake. Take in the nature views on a quiet and peaceful walk through the paved trail and listen for the sounds of the wild.
While you're out enjoying some socially distant sights and sounds consider suiting up in the proper attire and accessories and having a trash pickup day. Once you're done make sure you wash wash wash those hands and clothes!
A few other activities you can do from your own backyard during this time: Stargazing! Look up a few charts online and see what you can discover! Another peaceful and educational activity you can do outdoors: reading a book in a hammock. Many libraries in the area are offering free and easy online usage of their catalog of books. Get social digitally by starting an outdoor/nature Instagram account to showcase all of your beautiful nature images in one place! Hashtag it #LoveYourLima and we will follow along!
Whatever you do and however you choose to do it please be kind to one another, keep in mind the requests and regulations provided by the State of Ohio. And wash wash wash those hands when you're done. We are all in this together. Let's make the most of it! #LoveYourLima
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) has put together a list of helpful tips to safely continue to explore the public parks systems as well as the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) with their helpful graphic.
